Is Temu Selling Bank Details? [2024]

Is Temu Selling Bank Details

Today we are here to talk about Temu, which is pretty cool to offer tens of categories and millions of products to choose from. However, the best highlights of it could be that it offers everything at cheaper prices in the market value and also offers a ton of deals to save more.

Now, coming to the main topic of the night – have you heard about the negative comments about Temu, especially those related to its payment methods, which also include that Temu is selling your bank details? 

We have plenty of comments about the topic, and so, it has gotten thousands of customers worried. But, is that the truth? Is Temu selling bank details? If you are interested to know the correct answer to these questions, then all you have to do is continue reading the article below.

Is Temu Selling Bank Details?

No, or so, says Temu. 

When asked and accused of selling bank details in the black market, after multiple users got hacked after using their credentials on its platform – Temu completely denied the accusation and clearly stated that it does not do any such thing.

One of the representatives further added that all the information you add about your bank on Temu is strictly for business purposes and is only used to offer you better services, not to deceive you, and sell it to a third party. 

Temu Selling Bank Details Complaints

One of the many complaints about Temu selling bank details came from a woman, talking about how she was scammed and got about $100 out of her account without her permission.

She did not believe the alerts by the bank at the start, but later it was found that multiple IP addresses from different locations across the world were trying to use her card, and all this happened after she put her credentials into Temu.

Similarly, we have many complaints about how users were hacked after using their cards on Temu, therefore, you are instructed to not use Temu at all to buy anything or simply use PayPal and such protected services.

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Final Words

So, on one side, we have Temu denying all the accusations, and since there is no proper evidence, we can’t accuse them — and on the other end, we have multiple people being scammed.

In the end, we think that you should merely be careful because apart from these customers, there are millions buying from Temu and giving it a 5/5 rating. 

That is all from our side and hope you have received the perfect answer to your question – is Temu selling bank details?

Frequently Asked Questions 

Does Temu sell my information?

Honestly, we are not sure about the answer because while there are multiple customers getting their accounts hacked, Temu is continuously denying accusations, and there is no proper evidence either. 

Is it safe to put card details on Temu?

Honestly, although Temu is trusted by millions, we have seen customers getting their cards hacked after using cards on Temu, so we suggest you use protected wallets like people instead of cards to shop at Temu.

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