How to Write a Review on Tiktok Shop [Guide 2024]

TikTok has taken the world by storm, imparting a fun and attractive platform for growing and sharing short films. But it’s also emerging as a purchasing destination via TikTok Shop. 

Here, customers can browse and buy trending products directly from the app, making shopping easy and interactive. 

Whether you’ve just sold something splendid or need to share feedback, leaving a review can be a superb manner to assist others. 

In this guide, we’re going to explore how to leave a review on TikTok Shop in just five easy steps!

5 Steps on How to Write a Review on Tik-Tok Shop

1. Open Tik-Tok App

Firstly, open the TikTok app on your cellphone. If you haven’t logged in yet, make sure to go and add your details to access your account. 

Once you’re in, navigate to the house display. This is a vital step earlier than leaving a review because it verifies you’ve sold the product. 

Without logging in, you won’t be able to access your past orders or leave any comments.

2. Go to Shop Button

After signing in or logging in to the app, take a look at the bottom of your app to discover the “Shop” button. 

Go to the top-right corner where you’ll see 3 horizontal lines, additionally called the “menu” icon. 

This opens up more options for you to manage your shopping experience, including your orders.

3.  Go to My Orders Button

Once you’ve clicked on the three lines, go to the “My Orders” button. This button will show you all the products you’ve purchased from TikTok Shop. 

Simply scroll through and discover the items you want to check. Once you discover your order, click on the product for more options.

4. Tap On Products

By taping on a particular product you’ll see alternatives pop up: “Buy Again” and “Write a Review.”

These buttons can help you both repurchase the item or leave a review for it. In this case, tap on the “Write a Review” button. 

This will convey you to the web page in which you can share your reviews about the product. Writing a review can also help other buyers make an informed decision.

5. Tap on Write a Review

Finally, tap the “Write a Review” button. Here, you may rate your product, leave a comment, and even upload images. 

Be honest about your experience, whether good or bad. Once you are satisfied with your review, click “Submit,” and your feedback might be posted on the TikTok Shop for others to see.

Final Words

Writing a review on TikTok Shop is an easy and impactful way to share your buying experience. By following those 5 easy steps, you can provide remarks that allow other users to make decisions while shopping. 

So, the following time you save, don’t forget to leave a review and make contributions to a better purchasing experience for each person!


Can I edit my review?

No, once a review is submitted, it cannot be edited.

Can I review multiple products at once?

No, you need to leave a review for each product individually by selecting it from your “My Orders” list.

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