How To Cancel One Item On Temu? [Guide 2024]

When we talk about Temu, we know that many of us have literally become addicted to shopping from the marketplace because not only does it offer everything at the lowest prices, but you also get plenty of fun deals to save every time.

Amidst all this, some of us have also ordered one item twice, and if two same products are not needed, then one is going to waste. So, currently, we have many worried consumers searching for a solution.

However, are you also one of them? Do you also want to know how you can cancel one item on Temu? Then continue reading because we have mentioned a guide on how to cancel one item on Temu right below.

How To Cancel One Item On Temu? [A Step-By-Step Guide]

To cancel one item from your Temu order, you don’t have to go through a hard process, and with a few simple steps, you can easily do so. 

To justify the same – here is a step-by-step guide on how to cancel one item on Temu:

  1. Go to your Orders.
  2. Select the order that has the item you want to cancel.
  3. You will see an option to Cancel the item somewhere near it.
  4. Tap on it, and it will be successfully canceled. 

If you did not check out, then go to your cart and search for a ‘cross’ or similar option beside the item which can remove it from the cart. 

Additionally, you must be aware that the cancellation option for an item will only be available if the parcel is still in the processing phase and has not been shipped.

In most cases, you won’t be able to cancel one or two items from your complete order after the package has left the Temu warehouse.

Yet, if you still want to try and check if you can cancel the item, you can always reach out to the Temu customer service. 

Bonus: If you were not able to cancel the item, then you can wait for it to arrive and then initiate a return – but you will most likely have to pay a fee for that. 

Final Words

So, we suggest you always review your cart and even the orders list if you think one or two items are already bought in the past — only then move ahead with the checkout. 

With that, we reached the end of this article, and we hope you know how to cancel one item on Temu. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

Can you cancel an item from Temu?

Yes, you can cancel one item from your Temu order by going to your ‘order! page, selecting the recent order placed, and choosing the ‘remove’ option near the item you want to cancel. 

How do I remove something from my Temu order?

If you want to remove something from your Temu order, then travel to the ‘Orders’ page, select an order, and cancel the item you want to remove from your order. 

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